
Learn In ABCDs – January 22, 2021 Newsletter

TL;DR – Learn In partners with Springboard, Save the Date for 2 Big Events Feb 2nd & 4th, Upskilling can support women’s economic empowerment, Unilever’s ambitious upskilling goal by 2025, & where is your college diploma?

The future of work is now and we’ll keep you up to speed every two weeks with Learn In’s ABCDs – announcements from Learn Inblog posts to read, case studies for upskilling, and a discussion topic.


  • Buzz: Learn In Partners with Springboard to Tackle Corporate Upskilling in Data Science and Analytics
  • Podcasts: Listen to our COO Yael Kaufmann on 20 Minute Leaders & our CEO David Blake on Illuminate Higher Education
  • Events: Save the date for two upcoming Learn In events!

    CooleyED – February 2 @ 12:00pm ET – Learn In’s CEO, David Blake will join a panel of investors and entrepreneurs to discuss the increased interest in workforce training in 2020 and the outlook for 2021 and beyond. Free Registration – February 4 @ 10:00am ET – Learn In’s CEO, David Blake will present his argument about, “The Next HR Big Bang: The Fusion of Upskilling and DEI.” Free Registration

Blog Posts:

Case Study for Upskilling:

  • Unilever commits to upskilling and reskilling by 2025. “We will ensure that all our employees have a future-fit skillset, by 2025, to help them further their careers, whether that’s within or outside Unilever. We will also pioneer new employment models by 2030 that allow people to choose how they want to work. These could include flexible contracts that retain full-time benefits, or time off to study or retrain.” Read more about Unilever’s DEI Goals

Discussion Topic of the Week:

  • “Where is your actual college diploma? Framed on the wall or gathering dust in storage?” – David Blake : Discuss on Twitter

Learn In is LIVE on InstagramLinkedInTwitter, and Medium. Follow us today!

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